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Battle of Britain 80th Anniversary Clothing Released

Battle of Britain 80 The Few Oxford Blue Varsity Jacket snippet

Battle of Britain 80th Anniversary Clothing Released

Build Up the Battle of Britain

Throughout the Summer of 1940, the skies over Southern England were full of duelling aircraft. The ‘Battle of Britain’ was in full swing. The German air campaign was intended as a prelude to a full invasion of England. Following the fall of France earlier in 1940, German high command saw air superiority as essential before any invasion of England. The Royal Air Force had to be destroyed.

The German war machine was highly experienced and well equipped after gaining useful experience in the Spanish Civil War. On the other hand, much of Britains fighting capability was untested and initially inadequate. The swift fall of Europe and the ensuing retreat, culminating in the Dunkirk evacuations, had left Britain reeling.

Over 400 experienced pilots were lost during the Fall of France leaving an already undermanned and inexperienced Air Force potentially weak and exposed.

Summer 1940 – Englands Skies Were Full of Aircraft

The Battle of Britain, was in reality, a series of events and phases over the Summer of 1940. There isn’t a clearly defined start date and the phases, with a couple of noted exceptions, blended into each other.

The Luftwaffe commenced a co-ordinated series of air raids over England in early – mid June 1940 and this is recognised as ‘the start’.

A series of raids on Channel shipping in July and August caused heavy losses to RAF aircraft and crews. The Navy stopped all daylight convoy moves as a result but both sides gained valuable experience.

Early August 1940 saw the launch of Adlerangriff or Eagle Day. This was German High Commands concerted attempt to destroy the RAF in Southern England. The anticipation being it would clear the way for attacking RAF bases further North and heavy bombing raids on economic and strategic targets throughout England.

18th August 1940 became known as The Hardest Day and saw the heaviest losses on both sides.

The Aircraft

The main fighter aircraft were the Luftwaffe Messerschmitt ME 109E and the Royal Air Force Hurricane and Spitfire.

Many believe the Spitfire was the main RAF aircraft during the Battle of Britain. In reality the Hawker Hurricane was the backbone of the Royal Air Force at that time. Greater numbers of Spitfires became available as 1940 progressed and did eventually help turn the tide in the Royal Air Forces favour.

In the very early days of the battle, Defiants and Blenheims were used in large numbers but were quickly deemed unsuitable against the potent ME109s and BF110s. Losses of these types were very high in terms of aircrew and aircraft.

Luftwaffe bombers incvluded Heinkel 111s, JU87 Stukas, Dornier DO 17s and Junckers JU88s.

The Emergence of ‘The Few’

The Royal Air Force remained steadfast against the continuing raids. The task of repelling relentless German waves of experienced aircrew with technically superior aircraft was to become the stuff of legend.

Winston Churchill immortalised the aircrew with his famous speech –

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Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. 

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Battle of Britain 80th Anniversary Clothing Designs

I feel its important to remember and commemorate the huge sacrifices and bravery made by our veterans and have released 4 embroidered commemorative designs –

  • 80th Anniversary ‘The Few’ Design
  • 80th Anniversary ‘Adversary’ design 1 – Hurricane and Heinkel HE111
  • 80th Anniversary ‘Adversary’ design 2 – Spitfire and Messerschmitt ME109
  • 80th Anniversary Aircrew Design
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80th Anniversary ‘The Few’ Design

A 56 Squadron Spitfire ZP-E and 74 Squadron Hurricane US-X complete with ‘The Few’ and Battle of Britain 80 wording

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Hurricane vs Heinkel HE111

A 74 Squadron Hurricane US-X and Heinkel HE111 aircraft with Battle of Britain 80 wording

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Spitfire vs Messerchmitt ME109

A 56 Squadron Spitfire ZP-E with ME109E aircraft with Battle of Britain 80 wording

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Battle of Britain 80 ‘Aircrew’ Design

A 615 Squadron Hurricane KW-Z overflying a resting aircrew


Which Garments Are These Battle of Britain Commemorative Designs Available On?

The Few and both ‘Adversary’ designs will be available on all of our standard clothing garments and bags.

The ‘Aircrew’ design is by far the largest and most complex embroidery released by us so far.

It will be available on the back of our Varsity and Fleece jackets.

Our Latest Battle of Britain Gifts

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Classic Military Aircraft Updates

The Hurricane and Spitfire will be added as options to our extremely popular Classic Military Aircraft range.

If you arent aware, I have a growing range of aircraft types available which depict aircraft and their service dates. The range is extremely popular and the design can be fully personalised with your choice of Squadron colours, aircraft coding and wording.

Just last week I did a repeat order for a Buccaneer Veteran with personalised Red Flag detailing and also a 31 Squadron Tornado GR1 veteran!

The Heinkel HE111 and Messerschitt ME109 designs will be the first non Royal Air Force aircraft types added to the Classic Military Aircraft range.

If you have any questions regarding any of these designs, please dont hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for reading and stay safe



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GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of gifts for aircraft and WW2 enthusiasts, check out some of our other aviation gift ideas below ….

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GDMK Images Latest News

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VJ Day 75th Anniversary Clothing Designs

VJ 75 Navy Blue Polo Snippet

VJ Day 75th Anniversary Clothing Designs

I am delighted to announce the launch of our VJ Day 75th Anniversary clothing designs.

August 15th 2020 marks the 75th Anniversary of the surrender of Japanese Forces and the conclusion of World War 2.

The Burma Campaign for British Forces, and the parallel Pacific Campaign for US forces, were hugely devastating and costly campaigns. Both are often overshadowed by the European theatre of operations.

War in the Far East was a completely different type of conflict compared to the European conflict. The Japanese were ruthless and fought with a tenacity, and some might say cruelty, that is only truly understood by those who were exposed to it.

VJ Day 75th Anniversary Design Details

My tribute to the Far East Veterans features a large VJ in green to represent the Jungle. Perched on top of the V is a WW2 ‘Slouch’ style bush hat with a 14th Army badge. The ‘Slouch’ is the hat seen in all pictures featuring soldiers during the Burma Campaign.

Below the design are the words ‘Never Forgotten’ in tribute to those Veterans and to ensure going forward, their fight and struggle will remain in our memories.

[button text=”See All VJ DAY 75 Designs Now!!” style=”shade” size=”larger” radius=”10″ depth=”4″ depth_hover=”5″ expand=”true” link=””] [ux_products type=”grid” grid=”3″ equalize_box=”true” products=”5″ orderby=”date” order=”DESC” tags=”760″]

The Forgotten Army Should Never Be Forgotten

Many Burma Campaign veterans felt they were the ‘Forgotten Army’.

With the European War finishing in May 1945, many veterans were beginning to return home in the Autumn and Winter of 1945. 

Many of the Far East veterans didn’t start arriving home until the spring and Summer of 1946, by which point those at home were beginning to ‘move on’. 

Whilst many from the European theatre returned home to heroes welcomes, street parties and such like, Far East veterans returned home to virtually no fanfare.

Indeed I have heard tales, where the only people to meet a veteran upon their return, was a Salvation Army worker.

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** Flash Sales **

Our flash sales on Facebook, Instagram and our email newsletters have been going down a storm so check our social media to grab a bargain!

1st to claim an item gets it – simple as that!

That’s All For Now – Stay Safe Everyone

Here is the link to our latest production update and addresses how the lockdown situation is affecting our operations and your orders.

All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our new face masks – stay safe!!!


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GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of gifts for aircraft and WW2 enthusiasts, check out some of our other military gift ideas below ….

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Share these VJ day 75th Anniversary clothing designs with your family and friends … Thanks!!!!


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Dont Panic – Keep Calm and Get A Face Mask

Keep Calm Its One Of Ours Face Mask 3

Dont Panic – Keep Calm and Get A Face Mask

Don’t panic Captain Mainwaring, we’ve got your face (masks) covered!!

With the new COVID face mask regulations coming in to force we thought it was time to offer you some cool face masks

We have previously offered some ‘Keep Calm’ themed aircraft designs and thought these designs might be apt to launch our new range of face masks.

In the initial batch of designs are the following

  • Keep Calm its One of Ours with a Hurricane
  • Keep Calm and Carry On
  • Keep Calm and Social Distance


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What Are Your Face Masks Made Of?

Here are the specs of our face masks –

  • 95% cotton/5% elastane.
  • Reusable, 2-ply mask.
  • Silvadur™ 930 anti-microbial finish inhibits the growth of microbes.
  • Zelan™ R3/Teflon EcoElite™ water repellent finish.
  • Ear loops for a secure fit.
  • Machine washable at 40°C.
  • Non-returnable.
  • Disclaimer: This face cover is designed to aid defence against the spread of infection. It makes no assurances that it can prevent transmission or infection of disease or viruses. It is not a medical or clinical mask and should not be used under any circumstances where infection level is high or it could be exposed to high level heat sources or combustible substances.

We have trialled several different types of face masks, using and washing them extensively prior to settling on the style offered here.

These face masks are comfortable to wear, wash well and the print sits really nicely on the material.

The prints are always on the cheeks of the design so as not to affect the area where you breathe through.

How Much Do GDMK Images Face Masks Cost

Our face masks are priced at £8 each which includes Postage and Packing to all Mainland UK addresses.

Upcoming Face Mask Designs

There are literally dozens of railway and aircraft themed face mask designs on the way. I have been busily working away testing new designs, plus converting a few of your solid favourites to a format that will look great on a face mask!


[ux_products style=”normal” auto_slide=”6000″ cat=”11780″ orderby=”rand” order=”DESC”] [divider align=”center” width=”150px”] [button text=”see all face mask designs now” style=”shade” size=”larger” radius=”10″ depth=”4″ depth_hover=”5″ expand=”true” link=””]

** Flash Sales **

Our flash sales on Facebook, Instagram and our email newsletters have been going down a storm so check our social media to grab a bargain!

1st to claim an item gets it – simple as that!

That’s All For Now – Stay Safe Everyone

Here is the link to our latest production update and addresses how the lockdown situation is affecting our operations and your orders. We are almost back to normal and I will be issuing updated details in the coming few days.

All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our new face masks – stay safe!!!


[divider align=”center” width=”150px”]

GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of gifts for aircraft and railway enthusiasts, check out some of our other railwayand aviation gift ideas below ….

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Recent Posts on GDMK Images


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Share these Aviation and Railway Face Masks With Your Family and Enthiusiast Friends … Thanks!!!!


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Railway Clocks A Timely Gift For Railway Enthusiasts

43082 EMT Data Panel Clock Mockup

Railway Clocks A Timely Gift For Railway Enthusiasts

Stuck for a novel gift for your railway enthusiast family and friends?
Have a look at our new range of railway clocks!

Loco Data Panel Clocks

Our extremely popular range of loco data panel gifts has been expanded to include clocks.
Recreate your favourite loco and livery on a clock with the option of a clean, weathered or flame cut finish.
The weathered and flame cut versions of our data panels are a cost effective way of getting a piece of replica railwayana at a fraction of the price of genuine flamecuts.

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Class 55 Data Panel Clock

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Class 43 HST Data Panel Clock

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Stuart Black Loco Drawing Clocks

Our collaboration with Stuart Black continues to go from strength to strength with the full range of locos being available on a clock.
Choose your favourite loco and livery combination and finish your clock off with personalised wording to create a fantastic personalised gift for your railway family members and friends!


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Class 50 Drawing Clock

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HST Drawing Clock

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Railway Clock Features

The clocks are approximately A4 size, printed onto 0.5mm aluminium sheet and backed with a 3mm MDF board. They come complete with a virtually silent motion and wall hanger.

** Flash Sales **

Our flash sales on Facebook, Instagram and our email newsletters have been going down a storm so check our social media to grab a bargain!

1st to claim an item gets it – simple as that!

Thats All For Now – Stay Safe Everyone

Here is the link to our latest production update and addresses how the lockdown situation is affecting our operations and your orders.

All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our new railway clocks – stay safe!!!


GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of railway gifts for railway enthusiasts, check out some of our other railway gift ideas below ….

[ux_products type=”grid” grid=”5″ equalize_box=”true” products=”6″ orderby=”rand” tags=”538″]

Latest GDMK Images News

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Share these Railway Clocks with your family and railway enthusiast friends thanks ..  !!

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Deltic Prototype and Hymeks Added to Embroidered Clothing Range

Deltic Prototype and Hymeks Added to Embroidered Clothing Range

Deltic Prototype and Hymeks Added to Embroidered Clothing Range

Following on from our recent addition of new liveries to our existing Class 43 HST and Class 47 embroidered designs, as promised we now have some more new locos –

  • Class 35 Hymek
  • Deltic Prototype

Both loco types are extremely popular and have been much requested by customers. This brings our total loco classes so far to 13 with the choice of 15 different livery options!!

Deltic Prototype

The ‘Deltic’ is the prototype loco for the legendary Class 55 Deltic locos. The locomotive entered service in 1955 in a striking light blue and creme colour scheme. It was designed for high speed services on the ECML and its success led to the production of the 22 Class 55 locos. The Deltic Prototype is a much requested design that has been sold several times as personalised designs following people contacting me – now is the time to make it available online!

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Class 35 Hymeks

The Class 35 Hymeks are another popular class of loco that are regularly requested. The Hymeks were synonymous with the Great Western operating area of British Rail, being regular performers on trains from Paddington to Devon and South Wales. They entered service between 1961 and 1964 and had a very short service life. The Hymeks were diesel-hydraulic locos, a design that quickly fell out of favour with British Rail. Withdrawals started in 1971 with the last leaving service in 1975. The design is available in either BR Green or BR Blue

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Recreate Your Favourite Loco

The standard embroidered loco design includes a high quality embroidered loco cab with a number and nameplate (if fitted). Recreate your favourite loco with our simple to use personalisation service.

  1. Choose Your Favourite Loco Class
  2. Enter Your Favourite Loco Number
  3. Choose The Loco Colour Scheme
  4. Choose the relevant size and colour of your garment
  5. Indicate if you want personalised wording or not
  6. If you do, add the wording you want above the loco
  7. Enter the wording you want below the loco – this defaults to the loco number and nameplate
  8. Add to Cart

Simple as that!!

Which Embroidered Loco Classes Are Available?

You can currently buy embroidered clothing featuring these loco classes –

What Garments Can I Buy These Loco Designs On?

You can buy these embroidered designs on our full clothing and bag range –

  • Polo Shirts
  • Zipped and Pullover Hoodies
  • Varisty Jackets
  • Fleece Jackets
  • Beanie Hats
  • Baseball Caps
  • Small Shoulder Bags
  • Rucksacks
  • Messenger Bags
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My Favourite Loco Class Isn’t In your List – What Do I Do?

We are constantly working on new loco classes and livery variations. We are currently working on and testing the following loco classes –

  • Class 25
  • Class 26
  • Class 27
  • Class 31
  • Class 42

Get in touch and let us know which train design you would like to see come out next!!

** Flash Sales **

Our flash sales on FacebookInstagram and our email newsletters have been going down a storm so check our social media to grab a bargain! 1st to claim an item gets it – simple as that!

Thats All For Now – Stay Safe Everyone

Here is the link to the latest on how the Covid 19 situation is affecting our operations and your orders. All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our personalised clothing range – stay safe!!!


GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of gifts for railway enthusiasts, check out our other unique Class 35 and Class 55 gifts below ….

[ux_products type=”grid” grid=”5″ equalize_box=”true” products=”3″ orderby=”rand” tags=”389″] [ux_products type=”grid” grid=”5″ equalize_box=”true” products=”3″ orderby=”rand” tags=”299″]

Recent Posts on GDMK Images

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Share these Deltic Prototype and Class 35 Hymek Clothes with your family and railway enthusiast friends .. thanks!!

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New Class 43 HST Liveries Added to Clothing Range

New Class 43 HST Liveries Added to Clothing Range

Our latest embroidered design update adds another 3 liveries to our range of Class 43 power cars plus the addition of the buffer fitted power car.
We now have 9 Class 43 livery variations for you to choose from!!

The three new colour schemes are the much requested –

  • East Midlands Trains ‘Angel’
  • GWR Green
  • Network Rail Test Train Yellow

Its so easy to recreate your favourite Class 43 power car!

As mentioned above, you can now choose a buffer modified power car. In 1987, 18 power cars were modified to work with Class 91 locos and Mk 3 stock on the ECML prior to the Mk 4 stock coming into service. These power cars had the lower front cab valance removed and were fitted with standard buffer couplings.

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EMT Angel Class 43

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GWR Class 43

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NWR Test Train Class 43

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Can I Create a Personalised Class 43 Design?

Full personalisation is at your fingertips. The designs come with a power car and number as standard.

Personalise your design by –

  • Choosing from 9 colour schemes
  • Add your favourite power car number
  • Option of personalised wording above and/or below power car

What Clothing Can I Buy Featuring a Class 43 Power Car?

You can buy Class 43 embroidered designs on all our clothing and bag range – the following are online already

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Which Class 43 Liveries Are Available Now?

You can currently buy Class 43 designs in these liveries –

  • BR Blue
  • BR Intercity Original
  • BR Intercity Swallow
  • East Midlands Trains
  • East Midlands Railway
  • East Midlands Railway ‘Angel’
  • GWR
  • LNER
  • NWR Test Train Yellow

Which Class 43 Liveries Will Be Released in The Future?

We are busy working on and testing new designs which include the following liveries

  • FGW Purple
  • MML Teal and Orange
  • MML Blue and Grey
  • Virgin Cross Country

Get in touch and let us know which you would like to see come out next!!

** Flash Sales **

Our flash sales on Facebook, Instagram and our email newsletters have been going down a storm so check our social media to grab a bargain!

1st to claim an item gets it – simple as that!

More Loco Classes Coming

Thanks for all the feedback regarding new classes of loco you would like to see.

Almost ready for adding are the following loco classes

In fact, the eagle eyed amongst you may have seen via social media, 2 of the Class 24 designs that have already gone out as pre-orders!!

Can’t wait till the Class 24, Class 35 and Class 42 go live – don’t panic pre-order now!!

Use the link to send us your size, clothing type, colours and design wanted and we’ll do the rest!

Thats All For Now – Stay Safe Everyone

Here is the link to the latest on how the Covid 19 situation is affecting our operations and your orders.

All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our personalised clothing range – stay safe!!!


GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of gifts for railway enthusiasts, check out our other unique Class 43 gifts below ….

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Latest GDMK Images News …

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Share these Class 43 embroidered garments with your family and railway enthusiast friends .. thanks !!

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Phantom Typhoon Hurricane and Anson Added to Embroidered Clothing Range

Phantom Typhoon Hurricane and Anson Added to Embroidered Clothing Range

Phantom Typhoon Hurricane and Anson Added to Embroidered Clothing Range

After getting some of our new railway themed embroidered clothing designs online, its time to get the new aircraft designs online as well.
The latest aircraft added to the Classic Military Aircraft clothing range features the following aircraft –

These new additions brings our Classic Military Aircraft to 19 different aircraft types!!

If you factor in the choice of Squadron options it brings the total to 29 standard designs!!

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RAF Phantom Embroidered Clothing

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Eurofighter Typhoon Embroidered Clothing [/ux_image_box] [ux_image_box img=”69232″ link=””]

Hawker Hurricane Embroidered Clothing

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Standard Design or Personalised – The Choice Is Yours?

The standard Classic Military aircraft features your chosen aircraft with its service dates above and the aircraft name below.

Why not personalise your design by adding your own words in place of our standard options?

Which Aircraft Are Included in The Classic Military Aircraft Range?

You can currently buy the following aircraft types –

  • Avro Anson
  • Avro Lancaster – 3 Sqn Choices
  • Avro Shackleton
  • Avro Vulcan
  • Blackburn Buccaneer – Royal Navy and Royal Air Force
  • C-47 Dakota D-Day Colours – RAF and USAAF
  • EE Lightning – 2 Sqn Choices
  • Eurofighter Typhoon
  • Handley Page Halifax
  • Hawker Hunter – Royal Navy and Royal Air Force
  • Hawker Hurricane
  • Hawker Typhoon D-Day Colours
  • De Havilland Mosquito D-Day Colours
  • Panavia Tornado GR4 – 3 Squadron Choices
  • McDonnell Douglas Phantom
  • BAC Sea Harrier
  • Sepecat Jaguar
  • Supermarine Spitfire – 3 Sqns including Day Colours
  • Vickers Wellington

What Clothing Types are in The Classic Military Aircraft Range?

You can buy these embroidered designs on all our clothing and bag range –

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My Favourite Aircraft Isnt In your List – What Do I Do?

Dont worry, we are continually working on new aircraft types to add to the range.

Use our personalisation service mentioned above to order a new aircraft type or an existing type but in different squadron colours!

We are currently busy working on a dedicated Battle of Britain design which features new aircraft types that will be added to this range as well.

We are currently working on and testing the following aircraft –

  • Messerschmitt ME109
  • Tornado F3
  • Heinkel HE111
  • P-51
  • B-17

Get in touch and let us know which aircraft you would like to see come out next!!

** Flash Sales **

Our flash sales on Facebook, Instagram and our email newsletters have been going down a storm and this weeks features embroidered clothing so check our social media to grab a bargain!

1st to claim an item gets it – simple as that!

Thats All For Now – Stay Safe Everyone

Here is the link to the latest on how the Covid 19 situation is affecting our operations and your orders.

All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our personalised clothing range – stay safe!!!


GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of gifts for aviation enthusiasts, check out our other unique aircraft gifts below ….

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GDMK Images Latest News

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New Class 47 Liveries For Your Embroidered Clothing

Class 47 47443 Large Logo Sapphire Blue Varsity Jacket snippet

New Class 47 Liveries For Your Embroidered Clothing

We have added another 2 liveries to our range of Class 47 embroidered clothing –

  • Large Logo
  • Railfreight Construction

Thes new colour schemes bring the Class 47 livery variations so far to 6!!

Recreate your favourite Class 47 loco with your own personalised wording.

In addition, we wanted to highlight a special edition Colour Scheme – the Stratford Depot Silver Roof version.

Stratford depot in London was famous for adding silver roofs to its locos at a time when the plain blue corporate colour scheme dominated the railway scene. This special edition design features the following special details

  • Stratford Silver Roof
  • Red Buffer Beams
  • Yellow Axle Box Covers

Don’t forget you can personalise all these designs by choosing your favourite number and adding your own words to the design!

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Class 47 47163

Special Edition SF Silver Roof Class 47

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Class 47 Large Logo

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Class 47 Railfreight Construction

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What Clothing Can I Buy Featuring a Class 47 ?

You can buy these embroidered designs on all our clothing and bag range – the following are online already

You can also order the designs on beanies, caps and bags – they will be online soon but if you don’t want to wait then get in touch now!

Which Class 47 Liveries Are Available Now?

You can currently buy Class 47 designs in these liveries –

  • BR Blue
  • BR Green
  • BR Blue Stratford Silver Roof
  • Large Logo
  • Railfreight Construction
  • RES Parcels
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Which Class 47 Liveries Will Be Released in The Future?

We are busy working on and testing new designs which include the following liveries

  • More Railfreight Sectors
  • Network Southeast
  • Scotrail
  • Virgin Cross Country

Get in touch and let us know which you would like to see come out next!!

** Flash Sales **

Our flash sales on Facebook, Instagram and our email newsletters have been going down a storm and this weeks features embroidered clothing so check our social media to grab a bargain!

1st to claim an item gets it – simple as that!

More Loco Classes Coming

Thanks for all the feedback regarding new classes of loco you would like to see. Next week I will be releasing more embroidered loco classes. 

They will feature a distinct North West and South West flavour so keep checking back !!

Thats All For Now – Stay Safe Everyone

Here is the link to the latest on how the Covid 19 situation is affecting our operations and your orders.

All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our personalised clothing range – stay safe!!!


GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of gifts for railway enthusiasts, check out our other unique Class 47 gifts below ….

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Personalised Wording Now Available on All Embroidered Railway Clothing

Personalised Wording Now Available on All Embroidered Railway Clothing

After the huge success of offering personalised wording on our aircraft embroidered designs, I am delighted to announce you can now add personalised wording to all our embroidered railway locomotive clothing designs.

What Can I Personalise?

As standard, you can personalise your railway clothing by choosing your favourite loco number and choice of livery. If the loco was named the nameplate will also be added to your design.

Additionally, you can now add personalised words above and/or below the embroidered locomotive to replace the standard name and number design.

For classes that featured variable front ends such as Class 37, Class 40 and Class 45, the design will have either a split box or flush front design as appropriate for the loco number you choose.

Which Loco Classes Are Available Now?

Our range of embroidered loco designs are steadily increasing and currently include the following classes of loco

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Which Loco Classes Will Be Released in The Future?

We are busy working on and testing new designs which include the following classes of loco

In fact after releasing the Class 37 today, we are planning on releasing another two loco classes this week in time for fathers day!

** Flash Sales **

Our flash sales on Facebook, Instagram and our email newsletters have been going down a storm and this weeks features data panels at knock down prices so check our social media to grab a bargain!

1st to claim an item gets it – simple as that!

Which Loco Liveries Are Available?

We have an extensive choice of loco liveries available for your personalised clothing including –

  • BR Green
  • BR Blue
  • Large Logo
  • Network SouthEast Original
  • Network SouthEast Revised
  • Dutch Civils
  • GWR Green
  • Railfreight Sectors
  • RES
  • East Midlands Trains
  • East Midlands Railways
  • Red Stripe Railfreight
  • ROG – Phoenix

Thats All For Now – Stay Safe Everyone

Check out the news about our new Class 37 embroidered clothing designs.

Here is the link to the latest on how the Covid 19 situation is affecting our operations and your orders.

All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our personalised clothing range – stay safe!!!


GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of gifts railway enthusiasts, check out our railway gifts below ….

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Latest GDMK Images News

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Share These Personalised Railway Garments With Your Family and Railway Enthusiast Friends .. thanks !!

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Class 37 Added to Embroidered Railway Clothing Range

Class 37 Large Logo Oxford Blue Varsity Jacket snippet

Class 37 Added to Embroidered Railway Clothing Range

I am delighted to announce the addition of the hugely popular English Electric Class 37 to our embroidered railway clothing designs.

The highly detailed embroidered Class 37 features either a split box or flush front design and several different livery options.

Which Class 37 Loco Liveries Are Available For My Clothing?

We have 6 Class 37 liveries for your clothing including –

  • BR Blue
  • Large Logo
  • Dutch Civils
  • All Railfreight Sectors
  • Red Stripe Railfreight
  • ROG – Phoenix
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Can I Personalise My Class 37 Embroidered Clothing?

Yes, you can recreate your favourite Class 37 loco by choosing the number and colour scheme of the design. The design will also include the nameplate if the loco was named in real life.

With the launch of the Class 37 designs, we have introduced the facility for you to personalise your clothing by adding your own wording. You can add personalised words above and/or below the embroidered locomotive to replace the standard name and number design.

Which Clothing Can I add the Class 37 Design Onto?

Our full range of clothing and bags are available featuring the Class 37 design including –

Thats All For Now – Stay Safe Everyone

Here is the link to the latest on how the Covid 19 situation is affecting our operations and your orders.

All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our Class 37 design – stay safe!!!


GDMK Images is established as a leading supplier of gifts for railway enthusiasts, check out our other Class 37 gifts below ….

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GDMK Images Latest News …

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Share these Class 37 clothing designs with your railway enthusiast family and friends .. thanks!!