Recreate Your Favourite Locos and Aircraft
All our standard designs can be fully personalised!!
Its hard to believe that 40 years ago the Falklands War started following the invasion of two small islands by Argentinian Forces.
I was 14 years old at the time and my first thought was how did the Argentinians get to a Scottish Island with no-one seeing them coming?
In reality, I think a large part of the British public had a geography lesson after reaching for their world atlas to see exactly where the Falkland Islands were!
The Falklands War brought out the best in British Military resolve, ingenuity, bravery and courage.
To commemorate the bravery of the aircrews involved in the conflict, I have created a 40th Anniversary Commemorative design featuring 4 aircraft types that were involved –
The full design features an outline of the Falkland Islands with the number 40 in red (red being symbolic of 40th anniversaries). Below the islands is a side profile of your chosen aircraft.
The 40th Anniversary Commemorative design is available on all of our standard garment items plus a new style backpack –
All 4 of the new Falkland’s War aircraft have been added to the veterans personalised range. Via these products you can create a truly personalised garment to commemorate your veterans service.
Th Falklands War 40th Anniversary design is the latest in our commemorative clothing range. Other designs are available to commemorate –
Thanks for looking and dont hesitate to give me a shout if you have any questions
Stay Safe
I am delighted to announce the launch of our VJ Day 75th Anniversary clothing designs.
August 15th 2020 marks the 75th Anniversary of the surrender of Japanese Forces and the conclusion of World War 2.
The Burma Campaign for British Forces, and the parallel Pacific Campaign for US forces, were hugely devastating and costly campaigns. Both are often overshadowed by the European theatre of operations.
War in the Far East was a completely different type of conflict compared to the European conflict. The Japanese were ruthless and fought with a tenacity, and some might say cruelty, that is only truly understood by those who were exposed to it.
My tribute to the Far East Veterans features a large VJ in green to represent the Jungle. Perched on top of the V is a WW2 ‘Slouch’ style bush hat with a 14th Army badge. The ‘Slouch’ is the hat seen in all pictures featuring soldiers during the Burma Campaign.
Below the design are the words ‘Never Forgotten’ in tribute to those Veterans and to ensure going forward, their fight and struggle will remain in our memories.
[button text=”See All VJ DAY 75 Designs Now!!” style=”shade” size=”larger” radius=”10″ depth=”4″ depth_hover=”5″ expand=”true” link=””] [ux_products type=”grid” grid=”3″ equalize_box=”true” products=”5″ orderby=”date” order=”DESC” tags=”760″]Many Burma Campaign veterans felt they were the ‘Forgotten Army’.
With the European War finishing in May 1945, many veterans were beginning to return home in the Autumn and Winter of 1945.
Many of the Far East veterans didn’t start arriving home until the spring and Summer of 1946, by which point those at home were beginning to ‘move on’.
Whilst many from the European theatre returned home to heroes welcomes, street parties and such like, Far East veterans returned home to virtually no fanfare.
Indeed I have heard tales, where the only people to meet a veteran upon their return, was a Salvation Army worker.
[divider align=”center” width=”150px”]** Flash Sales **
Our flash sales on Facebook, Instagram and our email newsletters have been going down a storm so check our social media to grab a bargain!
1st to claim an item gets it – simple as that!
Here is the link to our latest production update and addresses how the lockdown situation is affecting our operations and your orders.
All the best for now and I look forward to hearing your feedback on our new face masks – stay safe!!!
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