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Blog posts from the GDMK Images website featuring photography technique, news and location reports
In my first post on aircraft photography, called aircraft photography tips part 1, I discussed essential camera modes and looked at some of the currently available lenses.
Specifically, I mentioned the importance of control over certain camera modes of your chosen camera.
Those camera modes were –
Lets look at these camera modes to understand how and why they affect the finished image.
The article will talk in depth about the technical aspects of camera exposure. My aim is to make the article interesting enough for those with some knowledge of the subject without being too complex for beginners. Please let me know if I was successful in this approach!
One of the most important factors in any type of photography is to understand and interpret the varying light levels in your chosen scene. The photographer then needs to understand how the selected metering mode will affect the camera in achieving the final exposure.
In general photography, the majority of scenes will consist of evenly lit subjects.
Multi area matrix metering, which evaluates the relative brightness of subjects in the whole scene, is usually very good at selecting an exposure that will render the colours and brightness levels in a very authentic manner.
I am sure we have all experienced scenes that have more sky or shadow and see that the resultant image has either nice shadow detail and a burnt out sky or a nice sky and dark shadows.
This is because the matrix metering is trying to evaluate an unevenly lit scene. Whichever element, bright sky or dark shadows, forms the majority of the scene will be judged to be the most important and the camera exposes accordingly.
It is extremely important to remember that aircraft in the air are comparatively small and dark against a big bright (hopefully blue!) background.
If you choose wide area matrix metering modes you are going to quickly run into underexposed shots.
With multi area matrix metering, the camera sees a large bright expanse of sky dominating the scene and exposes for an overall bright image. Typically you will get a nice blue sky and a black or dark grey aircraft.
Because the aircraft are relatively small compared to the whole scene, you must compensate against this by selecting centre weighted or spot metering mode.
These two camera modes reduce the amount of the overall scene that the camera measures when computing exposure.
Centre weighted metering simply means that the exposure calculations made by the camera put more emphasis on the readings detected in the centre of the image.
Typically, centre weighted metering will put the emphasis on about 8-15% of the scene. The brightness levels of the whole scene are still evaluated, but the camera adjusts the exposure so that the readings taken from that 8-15% are given the greatest emphasis in its calculations.
One thing to remember is that each brand implements their metering modes slightly differently, and the sophistication of weighting calculations vary as well.
Lower end models may have a fixed value of emphasis and have the centre weighting fixed to the centre of the focusing area.
With the more expensive cameras in any given range, you will find the sophistication of the systems increase.
You will find that you can control the size of the centre weighting in steps somewhere between 8-15% and that this weighting is not fixed but follows the selected focusing point.
Spot metering is simply a more extreme version of centre weighted metering. The emphasis is now placed on an area as low as 1 or 2% of the scene. Again, each brand implements the feature slightly differently and the sophistication increases as you move higher into the brand range.
Spot metering is a key feature and is not always included in the lower end models so make sure any model of camera you look at has spot metering.
It is extremely important to remember that aircraft in the air are comparatively small and dark against a big bright (hopefully blue!) background
So, by understanding how cameras evaluate a scene, and how the user can select a weighting mode, you should be able to see how a more accurate exposure of our aircraft against a bright sky can be achieved.
Although cameras metering modes are becoming extremely sophisticated and competent, they are still not fool-proof in getting that well-exposed aircraft photo.
This is where the next important camera feature – exposure compensation, comes in to help.
So far we have looked at how we can choose a metering mode that will help the camera to interpret the scene as we want it to.
Exposure compensation allows you to directly adjust the calculated exposure value by a set amount of either over or under exposure.
By manually controlling exposure compensation, you are further controlling the final calculated exposure.
Most modern DSLR cameras allow you to manually ‘dial-in’ a fixed adjustment to the calculated exposure value.
Depending on your camera, you can usually add in between +2 and -2 stops of exposure in steps of either 1/3 or 1/2 stop increments.
I like to dial in up to +0.7 exposure for small aircraft and +0.3 exposure for larger aircraft, but you will find that the exact compensation is a matter of trial and error depending on the light encountered on the day.
I do this because a smaller aircraft means more bright sky affecting the calculation so I want the camera to overexpose slightly more on its calculation. A larger aircraft means less bright sky so the camera is more likely to calculate a more pleasing exposure so only a small adjustment is needed.
Don’t be afraid to take test images – review the histogram and fine tune your adjustments. As the light changes during the day, you will probably need to make adjustments anyway.
In the example below, a single F-16 trails vapour at an airshow. The camera sees a large tract of bright blue sky as the dominant feature in the scene.
By selecting either spot or centre-weighted metering, adding exposure compensation and framing your target aircraft in the area of emphasis, you can increase the chances of a good exposure.
In this example I had +0.3 dialled in and used spot metering exposure mode.
Lets look at the next features – aperture priority and shutter priority modes
We use the camera as a tool to calculate that ‘x’ amount of light needs to get to the sensor to produce a ‘good exposure’.
The previous section looked at how we help the camera calculate a good exposure, now its time to look at how the camera executes that exposure.
Exposure is controlling the amount of light hitting the camera sensor.
In basic terms, every lens has an adjustable opening, called its aperture, that controls how much light entering the front of the lens is passed through to the sensor.
The shutter speed controls how long the sensor is exposed to the light coming through the lenses aperture.
The exposure calculation simply means the camera needs to let ‘x’ amount of light get to the sensor.
To get ‘x’ amount of light onto the sensor, the camera selects an appropriate combination of aperture and shutter speed.
In pure ‘auto’ or commonly ‘P’ mode, the camera will select both values and operate the shutter.
Essentially, Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority are still camera ‘auto’ modes, but importantly execute that exposure based on the user choosing to directly control either the aperture value or shutter speed.
By using Aperture Priority or Shutter Priority modes, we are taking more direct control on how the camera is generating the image.
So what does that all this mean in simpler terms?
In shutter priority mode, the user can select an exact shutter speed and the camera will choose an appropriate aperture to ensure the exposure corresponds to our ‘x’ amount of light.
Conversely in aperture priority mode, the user selects an aperture and the camera will calculate the appropriate shutter speed for our ‘x’ amount of light.
So, if aperture priority and shutter priority both do a similar thing, why bother differentiating between them – why not just use whatever mode you are comfortable with?
Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple if you want the best results. You will find to get the best photos, you will be regularly swapping between both modes depending on the type of aircraft, lighting conditions and mood you want to create.
So, if aperture priority and shutter priority both do a similar thing, why bother differentiating between them – why not just use whatever mode you are comfortable with? Unfortunately it isn’t that simple if you want the best results.
Lets look at a couple of environmental issues you will likely face when out and about –
Very quickly you are going to run into the problem of camera shake and blurred images. The aim is sharp images so you want the fastest shutter speed obtainable.
In aperture priority mode, you can select an aperture of f2.8 or f4 (on more expensive lenses), f5.6 ( most common on cheaper telephotos), f8, f11, f16, f22 and maybe f32.
You choose an aperture and the camera automatically chooses an appropriate shutter speed to give a good exposure. That amounts to 7 options (slightly more if including intermediate apertures between each major ‘stop’).
The aperture options for you to select are restricted to the physical quality and abilities of the lens.
In shutter priority mode, you can select a shutter speed anywhere from 30 seconds through to 1/4000th of a second. That is a lot of options.
This is where you need to be really careful and understand the concepts of exposure.
Starting with aperture priority, let’s consider an average bright day with ISO set to 200.
The table below shows examples of typical shutter speeds your camera will generate for a given aperture.
From this you can see the suitable shutter speeds for good exposure range from 1/1600th to 1/100th of a second.
Herein lies a trap for the unwary.
In shutter priority mode, you can select any shutter speed you want. If you choose a faster shutter speed, the camera will need to select a wider aperture to let more light in. If the lens doesn’t support a wide enough aperture to allow enough light in for a balanced exposure, you will get an underexposed image.
Conversely, you can select a 1 second exposure, but if the lens doesn’t have a small enough aperture to automatically restrict the light sufficiently you will create an overexposed image.
If you are using shutter priority mode, you need to be conscious of this. In the heat of the action, you might want to get a faster shutter speed and not realise you are already at the limit of the available apertures.
To manage shutter speeds I use aperture priority mode to obtain the fastest possible shutter speed while safely staying within acceptable exposure values.
I do this because, in aperture priority mode, once you get to the widest aperture, you cannot make any further adjustments. The camera will have selected the fastest possible shutter speed for that aperture and ISO setting.
This is why you should use aperture priority mode to select your fastest possible shutter speed.
Herein lies a trap for the unwary. You can select a faster shutter speed, but because the lens doesn’t support a wide enough aperture to allow enough light in for a balanced exposure, you will get an underexposed image.
When starting out in aviation photography, you want to aim for 1/1000th of a second shutter speed as a minimum – if you see lower speeds than say 1/320th, you really need consider turning up your ISO setting.
If you find you are still seeing lower shutter speeds and are approaching ISO 640 or higher, you need to see part 4 where I will discuss some techniques to help you through this problem.
There is an awful lot more to choosing appropriate apertures, shutter speeds and photographing aircraft, but the above lays out the basics for those starting out in aviation photography. If followed, with a little practice, you should be on the road to getting some acceptable images. Once you are getting a good hit rate using these basics you can look into some of the more advanced techniques and aspects of aviation photography in the upcoming parts 3 and 4 of my series.
So in summary
By now you might be asking why bother mentioning shutter priority mode at all – why not stop in aperture priority mode?
Check Aircraft Photography Tips Part 3 to see the answer.
That’s all for now folks, thanks for reading and I hope you have learnt something useful from this article. Please don’t be afraid to leave your own tips or question on what I have discussed above.
Last week I was discussing whether the soon to be released Nikon D7200 would be the replacement of the Nikon D300.
So after taking a few days to digest the news and opinions generated by the actual release, it seems the much anticipated Nikon D400 might actually be here at last.
Except Nikon put a spanner in the works and called it the D7200. *Update 06/01/16 – Nikon releases Nikon D500 as true D300 replacement*
For those, including me, awaiting an evolution of the classic Nikon D300/D300s model I think its probably time we moved on and accepted the Nikon D7200 is ‘the evolution’ we have been waiting for.
Looking at the specs, its hard to see what else could be seriously expected. More importantly, what other features do crop body users seriously NEED over and above what the D7200 offers?
Lets look at the specs of the Nikon D7200 compared to the D300 ….
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″ css=”.vc_custom_1425502078216{border: 1px solid #c5c8cc !important;}”][vc_column_text]
Image processor
Anti-Aliasing filter
Native ISO
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Memory Buffer
(Single Burst)[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
AF System
AF Detection
Crop Mode
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″ css=”.vc_custom_1425502128505{border: 1px solid #c5c8cc !important;}”][vc_column_text]
Nikon D7200
27 x 12 bit RAW
18 x 14 bit RAW
Multi-Cam 3500 II*
EV -3 to EV +19
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″ css=”.vc_custom_1425502157302{border: 1px solid #c5c8cc !important;}”][vc_column_text]
Nikon D300
Expeed 1
200 to 3200
21 x 12 bit RAW
18 x 14 bit RAW
Nikon Multi-CAM 3500DX
EV -1 to EV +19
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_column_text]
* Same as the Nikon D750
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Its immediately obvious that the Nikon D7200 is vastly superior in features compared to the Nikon D300 – well lets face facts, it should be as the D300 is 8 years old.
But in reality the comparison is pointless. The Nikon D300 is still an excellent camera. It is solid, rugged and full of adequate features. But it is undeniably 8 years old. 8 years in an environment where the technology is evolving significantly every 2 years or so.
The real question is what should the Nikon D300 replacement really look like feature wise?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
So bearing in mind the image processor and AF System from the Pro Full Frame range of Nikon cameras have been used in the D7200, what could the D300 replacement offer over and above what the D7200 offers?
Keep to the forefront of your mind that, body only, the D7200 is less than £1000. Slowly the penny should be dropping that this it, there is no logical reason to pursue the D400 dream.
If the D400 is to come to life, what features would it need to have to justify its place in the market?
Is there anything in the Nikon Pro Full Frame range that could trickle down and make a significant improvement without taking the body into the Pro price range?
Slowly the penny should be dropping that this it, there is no logical reason to pursue the D400 dream.
One could surmise that any Nikon D300 replacement would feature some significant upgrades, but I dont see any gaps in the existing Nikon product range that would justify ‘another’ DX body on top of the D7200.
I also believe the next large steps in Nikon development will be in the FF pro range. I would be extremely surprised to see a revolutionary DX model with ground breaking features being released and those new features then being rolled out into new Full Frame pro body.
I think the main areas of concern for most photographers are –
From what I can see the D7200 does just that, and judging by the rave reviews of the Nikon D750 (where components for 2 of these 3 features come from), should do it very well.
A shortcoming in any of those three key areas makes the camera unsuitable for this market niche – pro-sumer, semi-pro or whatever you want to label it.
For those already with a D7100, then I agree the ‘evolution’ is somewhat less appealing. Although it could be argued the D7100s main weakness, if it had one, was the buffer. That buffer shortcoming has now been addressed with an impressive 27 consecutive 12 bit RAWs. Check out the Nikon D7100 v D7200 comparison chart for a detailed side by side comparison.
Any faster throughput begs the question as to why you NEED to machine gun any more shots out of a single burst?
It could also be argued that a step change is necessary in this market niche. Moving towards 80 or 90 focus points with added cross type AF points would be useful. Getting nearer to double digit FPS could also be useful. More fine control over the AF tracking system would be very useful. What about eye movement detection to control the AF points?
All sound very nice but two issues come to mind. Firstly, some of these features are already available in the Pro range. Secondly there will be an additional hit to the wallet.
How much extra do you want to spend? Or in reality, how much more do you NEED to spend. Once you start heading towards the £1500, £1600 or even £1700 price point you start drifting away from the niche you are serving. Nikon also risk customers dropping out of the Pro range market and going for a product, that is undeniably, extremely competent and at a fraction of the cost.
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Well what else is there out in the market place?
The Sony A77ii? Now this is a nice looking camera. I love the colours and ‘look’ of the images from my NEX-6, so perhaps this is a contender?
Lets quickly look at the three features mentioned above.
The A77ii does offer more focus points at 79 compared to Nikons 51.
But, is the AF module comparable? Are those 79 AF points better managed and integrated on the Sony?
The short answer is I dont think so. I havent used a Sony A77ii but looking through the myriad of opinions, I havent seen any conclusive arguments to convince me the Sony 79 are better or worse than Nikons 51.
The Canon 7D2, although not a direct comparison, has 65 AF points and importantly, all are cross type sensors compared to both the Nikons and Sonys 15 cross types. The Canon also has options to make more subtle alterations to the AF tracking of moving objects. That is definitely something worth having on your feature list – but do you want fork out another £500 for the privilege?
When looking at image processing, both the Canon and Sony cant match the low light performance of the Nikon processor.
The Sony cant match low light performance partly due to the translucent mirror arrangement which loses around 0.5 EV. In regard to the Canon 7D2 in simple terms, across the board in this price range, Canon just cant match Nikons quality in its shadow detail.
For me personally, despite the D7200 having class leading modules from the Nikon pro range in the autofocus and image processing modules, the one single over-riding factor is how Nikon have integrated the metering and focusing system.
In spot metering mode, neither the Sony or the Canon has tied the metering system to the selected AF point. If you do use spot metering with the Sony or Canon, you are tied to the central AF point.
That is a massive deal for a lot of photographers – or at least it should be. It frees up creativity in compositions out in the field and removes the need to make a creative crop in post processing.
If you are wanting to shoot sport, fast moving action such as birds in flight or aircraft at airshows, this feature seals the deal.
Again looking back at my three critical factors, rightly or wrongly, the D7200 is the only one to tick all the boxes.
It could be argued that an articulated rear screen should be fitted as standard. It could also be argued that the D7200 isnt a full metal body. I think the removal of the back focus button is a mistake (but its also gone from the D750). But on the scale of things, these are minor issues.
Looking back at the introduction I asked a serious question – what other features do crop body users seriously NEED over and above what the D7200 offers?
Hand on heart, I cant think of anything and my order has been submitted.
And for that reason the D7200 is, at last, the Nikon D300 replacement.
As I said earlier, the King is dead, long live the King!
Thanks for reading, I would love to hear your views so please leave your thoughts on the new King below.
Following on from this post I eventually purchased a Nikon D7200 – read my thoughts in this post – Nikon D7200 v D300 one month later[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”sky” el_width=”70″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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Aircraft photography can present a number of issues which can catch out the casual photographer. My updated article shares a few tips with you on how I approach photographing aeroplanes. I have listed the main factors this aircraft photography series will look at below –
For aircraft photography, you ideally want an SLR camera that allows the user to select both spot and centre weighted metering modes. Choosing a camera with the ability to switch between these metering modes will make consistently reliable exposures a lot easier to obtain. It is important to note that not all entry level cameras will have a spot metering mode so make sure you check the specs out on any camera you are looking to buy.
Your chosen camera will also need shutter priority and aperture priority exposure modes.
Finally, check the camera has manual control of exposure compensation.
Some compact cameras and bridge cameras look appealing because they feature long reach lenses. Check the specs to make sure any bridge or compact camera has the features and modes mentioned above. The ability to mix and match metering and exposure modes is more valuable than lens reach.
If you have, or choose to buy, a compact or bridge camera then pay close attention to the cameras shutter lag specification. Shutter lag is the amount of time between you pressing the shutter button and the shutter operating. This time difference is referred to as shutter lag and ideally needs to be as close to zero as possible. I guarantee there is nothing more frustrating than to frame perfectly your subject matter but miss the shot because of shutter lag.
I use a Sony Nex-6 for general walking about or if travelling light, and many times shutter lag has caught me out because I am used to the instant response of my Nikon DSLR. So shutter lag can be a real problem photographing planes.
If using a compact or bridge camera be sure to look at the cameras shutter lag specification. There’s nothing more frustrating than to frame your image perfectly then miss the shot because of shutter lag.
Whatever camera system you have, or choose to buy, to consistently get good aircraft photo’s you will need to get intimately familiar with the following camera features
Don’t worry, these camera modes and features are discussed in depth in part 2 – Aviation Photography Tips – Metering Modes, Exposure Compensation and Exposure Modes.
These terms might seem a bit daunting at first – you will need to practice and experiment to really understand the subtle differences of each function, but your persistence will be rewarded.
Having a good understanding of what these camera modes do, in which circumstances to use them, and how to quickly change between them is very important.
To get consistently good aircraft pictures you need to focus on the action unfolding in front of you and not get distracted by operating the camera.
you will need to practice and experiment to really understand the subtle differences of each function, but your persistence will be rewarded.
The choice of cameras available are overwhelming, but almost any of the current crop of DSLRs are capable of delivering good results, providing they feature the modes and features mentioned above.
I suggest a DX or crop factor camera will be of more benefit than a full frame camera. The ‘crop effect’ of the smaller sensor gives you a ‘free’ boost to your zoom lens of up to 1.5x magnification.
Try not to get caught by GAS – Gear Acquisition Syndrome. Buying the newest, latest and greatest lens, camera or whatever is absolutely no guarantee of success.
Having a solid understanding of your camera and lens performance and then applying that knowledge to your subject matter is the real key to success.
The lens you invest in will depend on many factors not just how deep your pocket is.
The first question you need to ask yourself is what type of aviation photography do you want to undertake. If you are looking at capturing larger and slower moving commercial aircraft at your local airport, the lens choice could be a lot different to getting fast moving fighter aircraft at airshows or low level in the Mach Loop.
As silly as it sounds, if you are looking at the civil aviation scene, any lens between 24mm or 28mm through to 300mm will have its uses.
If smaller warbirds or modern fighter aircraft are more your thing then a telephoto lens with a reach of at least 300mm is a good starting point.
Its pretty straight forward deciding on exactly what lens range you want – the smaller your target the longer reach you need from your lens and vice versa.
I used to use a Sigma 100-300mm EX f4 lens sometimes combined with the Sigma 1.4x teleconvertor. This combination gave 460mm reach which equates to 640mm when factoring in the crop factor of a Nikon DX format camera. This combination has served me well and has yielded good results. It didnt have image stabilisation (IS) or vibration reduction (VR) but is a solid lens giving good results.
I sold, and am still selling, many aircraft pictures used with that lens combo.
What lenses might be considered suitable for aviation photography?
Generally speaking, speed of focus and image sharpness at the long end of the zoom range are the most important factors in choosing a lens for aircraft photography. At the end of the day there is no point in having 300mm or more of lens reach yet the autofocus cant keep up with a fast moving jet. Conversely, lightning fast focus is no use if the image is that soft that it might as well be out of focus!]
As with everything in life, focus speed and image sharpness generally improve in proportion to the price tag.
Starting with the cheaper options, Nikon offers a reasonably cheap Nikkor AF-S DX VR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR which could be used as a first lens. Reviews suggest the lens isnt particularly fast focussing and the image sharpness drops noticeably between 200mm and 300mm.
Moving up a bit in quality and performance is the new Nikkor AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED which is supposed to be very good and offers better VR and features better quality lens glass.
Sigma offer the 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG OS and Tamron offer the SP 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di VC USD.
All three lenses are reasonable performing mid range zoom lenses and wont cost a fortune.
More importantly, if you decide aircraft photography is not your thing, you wont be greatly out of pocket and will have a good lens that is perfectly suitable for many other styles of photography.
As you move further up the quality and price range you will come across the new Nikkor AF VR 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED which features improved optical quality, auto focus performance and VR.
The traditional alternatives, and until recently the aviation photographers lenses of choice, are the Sigma 50-500mm f4-6.3 APO DG OS HSM and Sigma 150-500mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM APO. Both lenses are well respected for aviation photography and the debate still rages as to which lens is the better. In simple terms both are very good lenses, especially if you can get one second hand. Reports seem to suggest the Sigma 150-500mm lens is slightly better than the Sigma 50-500mm. The former is also cheaper but both lenses get good reviews.
Reports seem to suggest the Sigma 150-500mm lens is slightly better than the Sigma 50-500mm. The former is also cheaper and both lenses get good reviews.
Next up is the Sigma 120-300mm f2.8 APO EX DG OS HSM which is very well respected amongst wildlife photographers as well as aviation photographers but comes with an even bigger price tag.
In a similar price range is the Canon 100-400mm L f4.5-f5.6 which is coveted by Canon photographers. As a Nikon user I cannot comment either way, but reviews and discussions around the web indicate this is a very good lens for Canon owners.
As mentioned earlier, the two Sigma lenses were the defacto lenses of choice for aviation photography until very recently.
Tamron, and more recently Sigma, shook up the market with new lens offerings. Both companies have released a 150-600mm zoom lens with exceptional image quality. Sigma even released two versions – one in their C or Contemporary range and one in the S or Sport range. The S version has better optics and is aimed squarely at sports photographers and has a price to match. The Tamron and Sigma C lenses are priced similarly to the 150-500mm and 50-500m lenses which seems to indicate that they will take over the mantle of ‘go to’ lenses for aviation photographers.
These three lenses get rave reviews and seem to have significantly raised the bar in terms of affordability versus optical quality and image sharpness.
More recently Nikon released their 200-500mm f5.6 VR lens. This is similar in price to the Tamron 150-600mm and the Sigma 150-600 C lenses. The Nikon has a slight edge in that it features a constant f5.6 aperture throughout the zoom range. As a negative it only goes to a maximum zoom of 500mm.
For what it is worth, I tried both Sigma 150-600’s and the 200-500 side by side on a Nikon D7200 and ended up buying the Nikon 200-500 lens.
The Nikon just seemed to focus faster and the VR seemed smoother in operation and looked steadier. It was purely a subjective test but I went with my gut feeling when making a decision.
It should be noted that once you start looking beyond the three 70-300mm zoom lenses I mentioned, you are looking at very good lenses that are going to set you back a decent sum of money. They shouldnt be viewed as casual purchases and are only suitable if you want to seriously get into aircraft photography.
One saving grace is that many are upgrading from their 50-500’s and 150-500’s so there is a chance of picking up one of these proven performers second hand at good prices.
A factor you may overlook in your lens choice is the weight. A standard 70-300mm lens will weigh somewhere around the 750g to 1kg mark. The 150-600mm lenses are going to weigh in between 2 and 2.5kg. You are going to notice the weight after an hour or so at an airshow!
I purposely havent included any of the superzooms in the 18-200mm or 300mm range. This is primarily because there is a lot going on inside a wide angle superzoom lens and many optical compromises are made to fit all that zoom range into a single lens. There is a place for the superzooms in photography, and I have considered getting one, but not for aviation photography.
I do feel that if you are seriously looking at aviation photography and are tempted by the superzooms then you will be better served by separate lenses. A good 70-300mm for flying aircraft and a wide angle lens for aircraft on the ground will serve you better as opposed to a single superzoom lens.
You can get very close to the action at some airports, so a wider angle view lens can result in some interesting alternatives to the standard 3/4 front landing type image. Indeed, you may find the shorter end of a 150-500 or 600 lens isnt short enough and end up missing shots!
I purposely havent discussed the various prime lenses such as the 400mm, 500mm or 600mm lenses purely for the reason that they are out of the budget range of many photographers. Needless to say, they are generally exceptional lenses but come with eye watering price tags well out of reach of the average photographer.
I havent discussed the various prime lenses such as the 300mm, 400mm or 500mm purely for the reason that they are out of the budget range of many photographers
There are many differing opinions on lenses so please feel free to comment or get in touch if you want to discuss these lens options and their relevant pros and cons in more depth.
So in summary, I have suggested a camera system that allows the user to select and control the following
I also suggested a telephoto zoom lens with a reach of around 300mm. Next time we will look in more depth at the camera exposure and metering modes mentioned above.
I hope you have found the post interesting so far, follow the link to read Aircraft Photography Tips Part 2 – Camera Metering Modes, Exposure Modes And Exposure Compensation
Thanks for reading
The much talked about and anticipated new Nikon dxxxx seems to indeed be the D7200. Nikon Rumors has been talking about a possible new Nikon camera release for a while. Could it also be the long awaited D300 successor?
According to a Nikon Rumors update the specification could be as follows
So almost 2 years after release, the D7100 almost has a successor. Does this release also seal the fate of the hotly debated and anticipated D400? Well, as usual, the answer is nobody knows.
Considering the D300s was released in 2009, is there really any chance of a successor, considering the specs detailed above, nearly 6 years later?
If this new Nikon D7200 features the durable build and weather sealing of the D300 then perhaps those still holding on for the elusive D400 will have their answer. Both the Exspeed processor and MultiCAM autofocus are proven winners. 51 AF points and 6 fps is about what you expect, so I guess it all comes down to the ruggedness of the build.
I am one of those with a D300 awaiting the next evolution. It is still a great camera and highly capable. I might also be one of those that has to accept the D7200 is the next step. For those like me who are patiently waiting for a D400, the burning question is – do you really need a D400 when looking at the specs of the Nikon D7200?
All this new Nikon model talk is very interesting but it doesn’t alter the fact that, whatever the spec of your camera, the most important feature is the glass you bolt on to it.
Anyway, time will reveal all in this saga, thanks for reading and feel free to leave your views.
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The Monsal Trail is a walk through the Peak District and offers some spectacular scenery and interesting opportunities for photographers. The Monsal Trail follows the route of the disused Midland Railway from Bakewell through to Topley Pike. The history of this railway line is discussed in my post about the Peak Rail steam railway which tells how part of the disused line was reopened and is now operated as a steam railway. The railway closed in 1968 as part of the cuts following the ‘Beeching Report’ and the trackbed lay unused until being converted into a designated walk.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row font_color=”#00478c”][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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In 1981 the disused railway line opened as the Monsal trail and allowed walkers, cyclists and horse riders access to the impressive Peak District scenery once reserved for train passengers only. Being a former railway line means the walking is not taxing in terms of steep climbs. The walkway is solid underfoot meaning those people who are ‘not so able’ can enjoy the Peak District scenery with relative ease. Even though the walking is level, you should always have good sturdy footwear. The trail is approximately 8.5 miles in length and includes 4 tunnels between 400 and 500 yards long to walk through in addition to a couple of impressive viaducts to walk over. Initially the tunnels remained closed and alternative routes around the tunnels were used. Work was undertaken to make the tunnels suitably safe and they were eventually opened to allow people a unique experience. The tunnels are lit during daylight hours and impressive to walk through, lets face it you don’t often get the chance to walk through railway tunnels! All I can say is they are impressive enough in their disused condition, let alone with a steam engine and coaches thundering through. That would have been a sight to see.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row font_color=”#00478c”][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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At various points along the trail you will find public footpaths crossing the route. This gives you the opportunity to take a more adventurous walk across the peak district to some of the higher viewpoints if you so wish.
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At the north end of Headstone Tunnel, you will find a trail leading up to Monsal Head. Please note, this is a steep climb. The effort is well rewarded with a view looking over the Wye valley. There is a cafe at the top which is a useful place to recharge your batteries. Just remember it doesnt open on Mondays.
It is important to remember to dress appropriately, especially in winter months as my visit did. The day started in brilliant sunshine, albeit with very cold temperatures and strong winds. Within a couple of hours the weather turned to heavy rain, and with the strong wind, made the walking bracing to say the least. Car parks and toilets can be found at Bakewell, Hassop, Monsal Head and Miller’s Dale. If cycling is your thing and you don’t bring your own bikes then you will find bike hire at Bakewell, Hassop Station and Blackwell Mill.
The Peak District is full of photographic opportunities and the fact that the railway cuts right through the countryside means the photographer can get some unique views. For a start, the tunnels provide pretty unique photographic opportunity in themselves. Although well lit for walkers and general walking, the tunnels are still pretty dark as you can imagine. A tripod will allow all sorts of creative opportunities. Something you need to bare in mind is the fact that the wind absolutely whistles through the tunnels regardless of the weather outside. A good tripod is recommended to compensate for this. Another thing to remember if you do use a tripod in the tunnels, is that the wind isnt the only thing zipping through the tunnels. Some of the cyclists absolutely fly through so make sure you dont get too distracted and become part of an accident in the dim light. Just north of the first tunnel, Headstone Tunnel, is Monsal Viaduct. If you are feeling energetic then take the steep path immediately to the right of the tunnel up to Monsal Head. At the top you get a great view down on to Monsal Viaduct and the River Wye as shown above. Another item of interest for photographers is walking through the platforms of the disued station at Great Longstone which served Thornbridge Hall. This main station is a private residence so creative opportunities are limited. Immediately next to this are the impressive facilities used by those going to and from Thornbridge Hall. A great illustration of the times and how society worked in those days. In addition to these railway specific features, the trail is littered with photographic opportunities including moss covered trees and drystone walls, stratified rock formations in the cuttings where the navvies literally blasted their way through the rock and rolling views of the Peak District. This report only covers the 2.5 mile section from Hassop Station through to Monsal Viaduct. Further north there is plenty to see and photograph. A report of these sections will follow later in the year.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
The Monsal trail is a nice undemanding walk and is accessible to almost everybody. Cycle hire is readily available should you wish to bike the route. The section between Hassop and Monsal Viaduct starts off through gentle rolling hills and finishes as the countryside becomes noticeably more rugged. Several points of interest, both photographically and historically, are encountered to make the 2.5 miles enjoyable. Reports on the northernmost sections will follow in due course. Thanks for reading and I hope you find this report useful Cheers Gary[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”sky” el_width=”70″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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Welcome to the first of my Location Reports.
My intention is to provide information for the photographer, and casual visitor, to various places of interest.
See the main Location Reports page for more details of the series and links to the reports.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
The Peak Rail steam railway is part of the old Midland Railway line that originally ran from London St Pancras to Manchester Central via Derby.
The railway was identified for closure as part of the infamous ‘Beeching Report’ of the 1960s.
As a result, local passenger services ceased between Matlock and Buxton in 1967 and through express trains finally ended in 1968.
Currently local services, operated by East Midlands Trains, still run from Derby to Matlock, which is the ‘mainline’ terminus.
Directions to Peak Rail.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column font_color=”#00478c”][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”1721″ img_size=”medium” title=”Matlock”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At Matlock, you change to platform 2 and join the Peak Rail line for a run of 4 miles through to Rowsley South.
In 2011 arrangements were finalised to allow Peak Rail trains to run into the mainline station making access to the steam railway extremely easy.
In November, January and February only, Peak Rail trains run into Matlock Riverside station which is slightly north of the mainline station. It is only a short riverside walk into the main town.
The railway is open throughout the year. You will find both steam and old BR diesels running the service.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row font_color=”#00478c”][vc_column][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][ess_grid alias=”darley-dale-railway-station”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Darley Dale is the first station north of Matlock.
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[/vc_column_text][ess_grid alias=”peak-rail-rowsley”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The northern terminus is Rowsley South. The station is a modern build, albeit in traditional style, alongside the main engine shed and engineering facilities.
On the station is a nice buffet and a gift shop with lots of transport related wares.
During British Rail days this site was a sizeable depot and maintenance facility.
Renown Repulse Restoration Group
Also to be found at Rowsley South is a picnic area which gives a good view of the railways operations. There is a short narrow gauge railway operated as the Derbyshire Dales Narrow Gauge Railway which runs alongside the picnic area.
There are many photographic opportunities to be found on and around the Peak Rail facilities.
Matlock and Matlock Riverside stations offer little other than the standard railway platform type environment.
A footpath runs a good way alongside the railway between Matlock Riverside and Darley Dale. The River Derwent also runs close at several points. The footpath provides many opportunities for lineside shots of the passing trains.
Darley Dale station has an authentic steam era feel and look. The crossing gates immediately south of the station also offer another unusual opportunity for creative photos.
The Matlock bound platform is laid out with authentic milk churns, enamel signs, period railway signage and stacks of luggage. It really looks the part. The Rowsley platform buildings are under renovation and not open to visitors yet.
Rowsley has many great opportunities. The many types of wagons, coaches and locomotives under restoration and stored is very impressive. The sheer number and differing types of railway vehicles present many photo opportunities. There is a fully working turntable which in itself is a rarity nowadays.
As is typical for Britain, the weather was changeable during my visit. The day started nice and bright with good light from the winter sun.
As the day progressed, the clouds crept in and the day became much darker with only very brief glimpses of sun. The darker skies led to flatter looking scenes with little in the way of saturated colours. At times like these it sometimes pays to look for scenes that would look good in black and white.
A steam railway is the perfect place to practice black and white photography. It not only gets around the problem of flat colours, but also leads you into creating a little bit of authenticity with your photos.
As shown below, when the sun shines keep an eye out for colourful scenes, but when the light isnt favourable look for patterns, shapes or reflections in otherwise dull scenes. The sky was heavily overcast on the carriage shot. The dull maroon colours were muted, yet the sheen provided lots of reflections from the wooden boarding on the platform. A dull image in colour is transformed when converted to black and white.
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My lasting impression of the Peak Rail steam railway was positive.
Although the line is only 4 miles long, it provides ample opportunities for creative photography. The railway shouldn’t be compared to larger steam railways such as the Severn Valley Railway as that simply isnt an equitable comparison.
The Peak Rail steam railway does a great job of providing a compact snapshot of a railway from the past.
Darley Dale and Rowsley are both full of opportunities for the photographer who enjoys railways or recreations of times long gone.
The railway operates a number of special theme days which provides additional photographic opportunities.
All in all, I recommend the Peak Rail steam railway to both photographers and also to general visitors looking for an authentic steam era experience.
Thanks for reading, please feel free to leave your views and comments …[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”sky” el_width=”70″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1443099097328{padding-left: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1471794501127{border-top-width: 1px !important;border-right-width: 1px !important;border-bottom-width: 1px !important;border-left-width: 1px !important;background-color: #fffffd !important;border-left-color: #0098da !important;border-left-style: solid !important;border-right-color: #0098da !important;border-right-style: solid !important;border-top-color: #0098da !important;border-top-style: solid !important;border-bottom-color: #0098da !important;border-bottom-style: solid !important;border-radius: 4px !important;}”]
See My Railway Editorial Stock Pictures
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For those not familiar with my websites or blogs, I am a UK based photographer and primarily shoot a mixture of Urban, Transport and Editorial style scenes.
I have two main portfolios, one featuring editorial style stock photography, which is available to buy via Alamy and a wider portfolio of photographic work available to buy as wall art and picture gifts.
Previously my portfolios and general internet presence was spread over several different hosts and providers. The overhaul and new look for the GDMK Images web presence bring my Stock and Wall Art portfolios together. The intention of these changes is to make it easier for customers to find the images they want, in the format they want, all from one central hub.
Much of the imagery is available in both portfolios and, therefore, available as both Commercial Stock imagery and mounted onto wall art products and gifts.
I have chosen to go with hosted services for my portfolios as I want to free as much time as possible to undertake the most important aspect of being a photographer – taking photos.
Alamy has repeatedly demonstrated they are extremely competent in managing both client and photographers needs so I am more than happy to let them manage my stock portfolio.
All my wall art products are produced by either One Vision Imaging or Loxley Colour.
Both portfolios are extensively keyworded so searching for pictures is very straightforward.
You will also find the GDMK Images Blog on these pages. My blog will feature a mix of photography techniques, news and location reports.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you
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