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Production Update 31st July 2020

Production Update 31st July 2020

Hi, I hope you are all well and your nearest and dearest are all safe in these confusing times.

A lot has been happening, so I wanted to give you a quick heads up on our latest situation regarding orders, products and our services.

Products and Orders

Most of our blanks suppliers are open again and able to supply 95% of the products we sell.

I am delighted to say our Canvas Print partner is back open again, so we are able to once again process orders for these very popular items.

Please note that most suppliers are still not working at 100% of their normal daily operations and delays in deliveries to us is still frequent.

There is a chance your order will take longer for us to process as a result


The website has been down for a few days as we implement new capabilities for the future.

Over the next week or 10 days it may still go down occasionally as we turn bits on and fine tune its operation.

The first new feature is to help out our trade customers who buy their fund raising products from us. 

The second feature will bring in more personalisation abilities for ordering your personalised gifts.

All the best for now, please stay safe and dont hesitate to get in touch if you encounter any issues with the website


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2 thoughts on “Production Update 31st July 2020

  1. Do you do a iPhone 2020 flip case with a class 50 on It

    1. Hi Paul, thanks for stopping by. We have a ton of Class 50 designs! We have 2 personalised lines – the Data Panel Range and the Stuart Black drawing range. Both of these can recreate your favourite class 50 in any livery. Furthermore, this link – will list all our Class 50 designs of which all can be put onto an iPhone flip case. If you get stuck please dont hesitate to give me a shout.
      Kind regards

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