Organisations We Support – Western Loco Association

Organisations We Support – Western Loco Association
Welcome to the second article featuring the fundraising organisations we support.
Our new Trade Portal for fund raising organisations and societies has been extremely well received and has markedly increased organisations coming to us for their fundraising gifts.
One of the benefits of full membership of the Portal System is promotion of your group or society, both here on our website and also on social media.
So here we go – welcome to the Western Loco Association.
Western Loco Association
The Western Loco Association has been around a long time and are owners and operators of Class 52 locos D1013 Western Ranger and D1062 Western Courier, based on the Severn Valley Railway.
This excerpt from the WLA website sums up what makes the Class 52 Westerns special and grabbed the attention of railway enthusiasts at the time –
The “Westerns” were always a little special, ever since their inception in 1961, and were the final development of the Western Region diesels using hydraulic transmission. Other regions based their designs on electric transmissions utilising large medium-speed diesel engines. The “Westerns” married superb bodywork styling and German-designed high-speed Maybach engines and Voith transmissions to produce a locomotive that was extremely powerful and considerably lighter than an equivalent diesel-electric.
A decision to rationalise the diesel locomotive types on British Rail marked the beginning of the end for the diesel-hydraulics. The “Westerns” were the last survivors and struggled on magnificently despite their neglected state until the final locomotives were withdrawn in February 1977.
With their impressive design, awesome engine sound and fabricated aluminium and steel name and number plates, the “Westerns” had many marks of distinction. All 74 “Westerns” were named, proud names such as “Western Glory”, “Western Thunderer” and “Western Crusader”, and these endeared them to enthusiasts who saw them as the last sign of the spirit and traditions of the Great Western Railway.
The demise of the mighty “Westerns” evoked a fanatical following, the like of which had not been seen since the end of steam traction, and this led to the early efforts of the W.L.A. to preserve an example of the class. The results of these efforts, “Western Courier” and “Western Ranger”, can be seen on the Severn Valley Railway today.
What WLA Fund Raising Products Are Available?
There are a wide range of designs available from the Western Loco Association online store.
We supply a number of designs to the Western Loco Association including our popular loco Data Panels and embroidered clothing.
Although these designs are ‘our’ standard designs, if you buy them through the Western Loco Association website, or order them from their fund raising stall, the WLA get full benefit of the proceeds, which helps them and us!
I 1st met Peter Bamber and their fund raising team at Crewe Heritage Centre a few years ago during a Diesel Day event at the Centre. Since then our arrangements have evolved into a great arrangement for both parties!
I’m delighted to help them raise much needed funds for their locos.
Keep your eyes peeled for new products as we work together to bring new and novel ideas for merchandise to life!
[ux_stack align=”baseline”] [ux_image_box img=”68428″]Class 52 Data Panels
Class 52 Data Panels featuring any Western in the liveries carried during service
[/ux_image_box] [ux_image_box img=”73805″]Clothing
Embroidered Westerns on hoodies, polos and jackets
[/ux_image_box] [ux_image_box img=”60867″]Class 52 Picture Coasters
Pictures of Westerns on Coasters
[/ux_image_box] [/ux_stack] [button text=”Visit The Western Loco Association web Site” style=”shade” size=”larger” radius=”10″ depth=”4″ depth_hover=”5″ expand=”true” link=””]Current WLA Fundraising Appeals
Currently the WLA is running an appeal for funds to help with the bogie overhauls on D1013 Wewstern Ranger.
This is a hugely expensive undertaking which you can read all about over on the D1013 Bogie Overhaul Appeal page
Western Loco Association on Social Media
Check out the WLA social media sites and keep up to date with all their various news and updates –
Now you know a little more about the Western Loco Association, why not check out their links in this post?
If you are interested in our Trade Portal service, then follow the links in this article or submit an enquiry below.
We’ll get in touch to discuss your needs!
Thanks for reading and stay safe!
Gary, Dawn and Kay!
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