Exclusive Class 50 50008 Merchandise

Exclusive Class 50 50008 Merchandise
I am extremely pleased to announce that, with a huge thanks to Jason Hall, GDMK Images has been granted exclusive rights to produce Class 50 50008 Thunderer merchandise in Hanson and Hall Rail Adventure colours!!
This is a fantastic opportunity, as Jason has allowed all profits generated from the 50008 sales to be very generously donated to supporting our 2 Class 50 locos, 50021 Rodney and 50026 Indomitable.
What Hanson and Hall Class 50 50008 Merchandise is Available?
Lets get to business then, in short there will initially be 2 designs available –
- Our popular Data Panel Desings
- A side Profile Drawing
Over time I’m hoping to be able to offer more designs.
These 2 designs will be available on our entire range of gift products from keyrings and bottle openers, right through the range to clothing!
You will see products going live over the weekend as we roll out the various products and designs.
[ux_products auto_slide=”5000″ equalize_box=”true” products=”12″ orderby=”rand” tags=”12700″]50021 and 50026 Set For A Great Year!
2021 is set to be a very exciting year for our locos, 50021 and 50026.
Anticipation is high for the return to service of both locos. Coming with this return to service, is the ever present need to raise funds to facilitate and support this.
Please help us by taking advantage of this exclusive arrangement!
Thanks and stay safe!