British Rail Pioneer Diesel Class Data Panels Added

1955 British Rail Modernisation Plan
In 1955 British Rail embarked on a huge modernisation plan that involved wholesale replacement of steam locomotives with new design diesel locomotives.
The plan saw the emergence of a wide range of locomotive types. Some types inevitably turned out to be extremely poor runners that had a very short service life plagued by very poor reliability.
New Pioneer Loco Classes Added
Up until now, I have focussed on recreating replica loco bodyside data panel designs for the most common and popular classes.
I have now turned attention to the early pioneer classes as these are often overlooked by many rail enthusiasts despite playing a huge role in the early days of BR modernisation.
All replica loco bodyside data panel designs are created with reference to images of the original loco.
New Locomotive Classes Added –
Data Panels in The BR Green to BR Blue Transition Period
In 1965, British Rail adopted ‘Rail Blue’ as its corporate colour scheme. With this change came a new style of depot sticker and locomotive data panel.
The transition from British Rail Green to British Rail blue livery lasted through to the early 1970s and during this period, locomotives underwent a transitory phase of carrying elements of both colour schemes.
This led to a really interesting mix of looks to the locomotive fleet.
I have created a number of special edition data panels featuring these transitory looks.
Every data panel I create is taken from photographic evidence of each particular loco to ensure an accurate as possible design is created.
Whilst researching these transitory looks, I was really surprised at how fluid the application of loco numbering, logos, data panels and depot codes was.
Departmental Locos
I decided a while ago to recreate some of the departmental locos and have now added the 1st two – Class 15 locos ADB 968000 and ADB 968001
I will be adding more departmental locos in the near future.
Order Your Replica Loco Data Panels Now
All the data panels are made up in reference to photo evidence of the particular loco when it carried the livery you choose.
To get the exact look for the period you are interested in, especially BR Green and BR Blue liveries, please specify a date in the order notes field. I will then get the data panel to look as close to the loco at that specified time.
Remember these loco data panels are available on our full range of gifts and not just metal signs!
Thanks for reading and dont hesitate to let me know your thoughts on these new loco data panels!
Stay safe
Cheers Gary