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New Nikon D7200

Does the Nikon D300 have its successor


So the Nikon D7200 will officially be announced soon…?

The much talked about and anticipated new Nikon dxxxx seems to indeed be the D7200. Nikon Rumors has been talking about a possible new Nikon camera release for a while. Could it also be the long awaited D300 successor?

According to a Nikon Rumors update the specification could be as follows

  • New 24MP APS-C sensor
  • Nikon D750 styled body with a tilting screen
  • Expeed 4 processor
  • MultiCAM 3500DX2 autofocus system
  • 51 AF points
  • Built-in Wi-Fi
  • 6fps
  • Buffer: 16 RAW+JPG
  • Video: 1080p @60 and 720p @120 (not sure about 4k)
  • Video aperture will be adjustable during live view

So almost 2 years after release, the D7100 almost has a successor. Does this release also seal the fate of the hotly debated and anticipated D400? Well, as usual, the answer is nobody knows.

Considering the D300s was released in 2009, is there really any chance of a successor, considering the specs detailed above, nearly 6 years later?

If this new Nikon D7200 features the durable build and weather sealing of the D300 then perhaps those still holding on for the elusive D400 will have their answer. Both the Exspeed processor and MultiCAM autofocus are proven winners. 51 AF points and 6 fps is about what you expect, so I guess it all comes down to the ruggedness of the build.

I am one of those with a D300 awaiting the next evolution. It is still a great camera and highly capable. I might also be one of those that has to accept the D7200 is the next step. For those like me who are patiently waiting for a D400, the burning question is – do you really need a D400 when looking at the specs of the Nikon D7200?

All this new Nikon model talk is very interesting but it doesn’t alter the fact that, whatever the spec of your camera, the most important feature is the glass you bolt on to it.

Anyway, time will reveal all in this saga, thanks for reading and feel free to leave your views.



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