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New Look For GDMK Images


Welcome to my new look photography home.

For those not familiar with my websites or blogs, I am a UK based photographer and primarily shoot a mixture of Urban, Transport and Editorial style scenes.

I have two main portfolios, one featuring editorial style stock photography, which is available to buy via Alamy and a wider portfolio of photographic work available to buy as wall art and picture gifts.

Previously my portfolios and general internet presence was spread over several different hosts and providers. The overhaul and new look for the GDMK Images web presence bring my Stock and Wall Art portfolios together. The intention of these changes is to make it easier for customers to find the images they want, in the format they want, all from one central hub.

Much of the imagery is available in both portfolios and, therefore, available as both Commercial Stock imagery and mounted onto wall art products and gifts.

I have chosen to go with hosted services for my portfolios as I want to free as much time as possible to undertake the most important aspect of being a photographer – taking photos.

Alamy has repeatedly demonstrated they are extremely competent in managing both client and photographers needs so I am more than happy to let them manage my stock portfolio.

All my wall art products are produced by either One Vision Imaging or Loxley Colour.

Both portfolios are extensively keyworded so searching for pictures is very straightforward.

You will also find the GDMK Images Blog on these pages. My blog will feature a mix of photography techniques, news and location reports.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you


Share news of my updated photography website with your friends and colleagues …. thanks!

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