Class 44 Replica Loco Side Panel Mug


Class 44 Replica Loco Side Panel Mug

Create your own personalised mug featuring the loco number, data panel, depot allocation and livery of your choice

All designs are created and copyrighted by ©GDMK Images, all rights reserved.

Which Class 44? *

Enter Your Preferred 2 Letter Depot Code

As standard I use the depot allocated at the time your loco carried your chosen livery. If you have a preference please enter the 2 letter code here.

Add Nameplate to Design? *

Which Name? (Only If Nameplate To Be Added)

Choose Your Loco Livery *

BR Blue BR Green

Choose Your Data Panel Finish *


Class 44 Replica Loco Side Panel Mug

Create your own personalised mug featuring the loco number, data panel, depot allocation and livery of your choice

Choose any Class 44 number and background livery combination. The mug background features an abstract version of the livery you have chosen.
Available with a finish of clean, weathered or flame cut.

Each data panel is referenced to photos of your chosen loco in service whilst carrying your chosen livery. The product is tweaked to reflect specific features such as positioning of depot sticker, local depot livery embellishments, depot mascot stickers and so on.

Mug Types

Ceramic Kids Mug
Std Ceramic Mug

All mugs feature a high resolution print.

Ceramic mugs are dishwasher resistant and microwave proof.

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Additional information

Weight 370 g
Loco Class



Product Theme

Gift Type


Loco Colour Schemes



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