Black and White Hurricane Mouse Mat


Black and White Hurricane Mouse Mat

As part of our Mouse Mat range we have this stunning picture of a Hurricane’s cockpit up close. The photograph of the Hurricane is printed in stunning detail on the Mouse Mat, the perfect gift idea for you or a friend.
Mouse mats are approximately 19.5cm x 23.5cm and backed with a 5mm rubber base ensuring a good grip to surfaces.

All designs are created and copyrighted by ©GDMK Images, all rights reserved.


Black and White Hurricane Mouse Mat

As part of our Mouse Mat range, we have this stunning picture of a Hurricane’s cockpit up close. The photograph of the Hurricane is printed in stunning detail on the Mouse Mat, the perfect gift idea for you or a friend.

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Additional information

Weight 135 g
Dimensions 19.5 × 23.5 × 5 cm
Gift Type

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